In the Sila plateau, at about 1,800 m a.s.l., the monitoring station of Mt. Curcio, thanks to the instrumental park with which it is equipped, has been monitoring the chemical-physical variations of the atmosphere for some years. The measurements of particulate material available have recently shown an important incidence, both in frequency and in magnitude, of events associated with the transport of Saharan sand. What causes this phenomenon and what implications does it have?
The article onĀ Rinnovabili.itĀ by Mariantonia Bencardino, Antonella Tassone and Valentino Mannarino explains it in detail.
Monte Curcio Observatory

Coordinator Team
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research Division of Rende 87036, Rende, Italy

Nicola Pirrone:

+39 0984 493239 / 493213