Mt. Curcio station is part of the GAW regional network and therefore it focuses on surface observations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O) and ozone (O3). The Climatic-Environmental Observatory also measures several other trace gases and aerosol parameters whose records are available with high temporal monitoring frequency.
The Mt. Curcio Observatory is part of the I-AMICA infrastructure.
Data are periodically send to the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (GAW) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). In order to download the data please visit World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases.
Mt. Curcio station is a CNR-IIA‘s Climatic-Environmental Observatory located in a strategic and isolated position within the Sila Grande area, one of the main three areas making up Sila National Park, which is officially recognized, since June 2014, as the tenth UNESCO Italian MaB Reserve of the Biosphere.
It is characterized by no local sources of contamination and no access by road and it is 200 m from a ski resort and from the arrival point for the cable car serving the surrounding ski area. The operative station is situated 1,780 m a.s.l. on a southern Appenine mountain peak with a completely free horizon, thus allowing to gain atmospheric monitoring measurements with a large spatial representativeness.
Interestingly, it is situated in the middle of the Mediterranean basin, around 30 and 60 km from the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian Sea, respectively.
Due to its elevation and position, Mt. Curcio station is even able to intercept dust plumes from the Sahara desert as well as volcanic ashes and gases from Stromboli and Mt. Etna volcanoes, located at approximately 120 km southeast and 220 km south-southeast from the atmospheric monitoring site, respectively.
Data and Services
A set of tools have been developed to simplify the use of databases from client side and to facilitate their update from server side


The GMOS Data Quality Management(G-DQM) system was developed to quality check atmospheric mercury observations recorded by the Tekran instrument. Raw dataset of mercury are validated in near real-time and in compliance with the Standard Operational Procedures, specifically defined within the EU GMOS project.

Data are periodically send to the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (GAW) of WMO. In order to download data please visit the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases.
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News & Events
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Monte Curcio Observatory

Coordinator Team
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Division of Rende 87036, Rende, Italy

Nicola Pirrone:

+39 0984 493239 / 493213